Recruitment of various post in INDO-TIBETAN BORDER POLICE FORCE | Friday, September 16, 2022
Indo Tibetan Border Police Force invites online applications from eligible Male Indian citizens (including subject of Nepal & Bhutan) to fill up vacancies of Constable (Pioneer) Group 'C' Non-Gazetted (Non-M inisterial) on temporary basis likely to be permanent in ITBPl' in pay scale. Level-3 in the Pay Matrix Rs. 21700 -69100 (as per 7'h Cl'C). Selected candidates will be liable to serve anywhere in India or abroad. The applicants are advised to check their el igibi lity before applying so as to avoid disappointment at a later stage.
2. Detail of vacancies as per post based roster are as under.-
a) The vacancies arc tentative and may increase or decrease without any notice.
Any change in the number of vacancies will be intimated through ITBP Recruitment website i.e.
b) ITBPI' reserves the right to make changes in sequence of the recruitment procedure after publication of this advertisement ITBPF also reserves the right to cancel or postpone the recruitment at any stage due to administrative reasons.
Age Limit & Educational Qualifications:-
Age Lirnit.- Between 18 to 23 years. (The upper age limit is relaxable for SC, ST, OBC, Ex-Servicemen and other categories in accordance with Government rules from time to time).
(Cut off date for determining the age limit will be the closing date i.e. 1ih
September 2022 (17/09/2022). Candidates hould not have been born earlier than
181h September 1999 (18/09/1999) and later than 171h September 2004 liI7/09/2(04).
Educational qualifications:-
i) Matriculation or equivalent from recognized board and
ii) One year certificate course from a recognized Industrial Training Institute in the
trade of a Mason or Carpenter or Plumber.
- Contd ... 2 11211
4. The candidates whose applications are found in order, shall be issued admit cards (online) to appear in recruitment tests. Candidates have to download online admit card from ITBPF recruitment website i.e. www.r• Therefore, candidates should provide genuine and functional e-mail ID and mobile number at the time offiUing online application form. ITBP will not be responsible in case of any failure of the candidate not receiving admit card online.
5. Applications from candidates wilJ be accepted only through ONLINE MODE on www .•• No offline application will be accepted. For detailed information about pay & allowances, eligibility conditions, procedure of filling online application form, recruitment procedure and tests etc., the applicants are advised to go through the detailed advertisement appearing on the ITBPF recruitment website i.e, Any further information/notification in respect to this recruitment will be made on the ITBPF recruitment website only. Hence, applicants are advised to log in the ITBPF recruitment website from time to time and also advised to go through eligibility criteria carefully before appJying to avoid disappointment at later stage.
6. The selection process will consist of Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Standard Test (PST), Written Examination, Trade Test and Detailed Medical Examination (DME)lReview Medical Examination (RME).
7. Medical Examination to assess the fitness of candidates will be conducted in terms of Uniforms Guidelines for Recruitment Medical Examination for GOs and NGOs in CAPFs and ARs issued vide MHA U.O. No. A.VI-l/2014-Rectt(SSB) dated
20.05.2015 and as amended from time to time by the Government.
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