Recruitment of various post in ODISHA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION | Tuesday, September 13, 2022



Online applications are invited  from  the prospective candidates through  the proforma application     to     be     made     available     on     the      Website     of     the      Commission       The link for  Online application  and Submission shall  be available  from  29.07.2022   to  29.08.2022  (Note:   29.08.2022   is  the  last  date  for submission of  Online Application)  for  recruitment   to  261  (Two Hundred sixty  one) posts of Assistant  Agriculture   Officer  in Class-II  of Group-S  of  Odisha Agriculture   and  Food Production Service (Methods  of  Recruitment   and Conditions  of  Service)  Rules,  2018  and Odisha  Agriculture and  Food  Production   Service  (Method   of  Recruitment   and  Conditions   of  Service)  Amendment Rules, 2020,  under  Department   of Agriculture  & Farmer's Empowerment,   in the pre-revised   scale of  pay of  Rs.9,300-34,800/-    with  Grade  pay of  Rs.4600/-  (PS-2)  or  Level  10 of  the  Pay Matrix revised,   as  per  ORSP  Rules,  2017,   with   usual  Dearness   and  other   Allowances   as  may   be sanctioned  by the Government   of Odisha  from  time  to time.  The  posts are  permanent  and  likely to continue.

2. Vacancy   Position:     As   per   requisition    furnished    by   the   Agriculture     &   Farmers' Empowerment   Department   of  Government   of  Odisha  vide  their   letter   No.  12140jA &   FE, dt. 20.06.2022,  the vacancy  positions  are given  below:

a) In case of non-availability of eligible/suitable Women candidates belonging to the  respective categories, the  unfilled vacancies of that  category shall be filled up by eligible or suitable male candidate(s) of the same category.
b) Exchange of reservation between Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe will not be considered in the non-availability of eligible and suitable S.c. /S.T. candidates.
c) The  number of vacancies to  be filled up on the  basis of  this recruitment  is subject to change by the Government without notice, depending upon the exigencies of public service at the discretion of the State Government.

3.         AGE:        A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years on the lSl  day of January,
2022 and must not be above the age of 38 years on the 1st of January 2021 i.e. he/she must not have been born earlier  than  2nd  January, 1983  and not later  than  1st  January, 2001.
The  upper age  limit  prescribed above shall be relax-able up  to  05  (five)   years for candidates belonging to  the  categories of    Socially &  Economically Backward Class (SEBC), Scheduled Castes (S.c.), Scheduled Tribes (S.T.), Women & Ex-servicemen and 10 (Ten)  years for candidates belonging to PWDcategory, whose permanent disability  is 40%  and more.
PWD candidates belonging to SEBC,SC and ST categories are eligible for cumulative age relaxation benefit of 15 (Fifteen) years.
Provided that a person who comes under more than one category mentioned above shall be eligible for  only  one  age relaxation benefit which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her.
Date of birth entered in the High School Certificate or equivalent certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council will only be accepted by the Commission.

A candidate must have possessed a Degree in Agriculture or Horticulture or equivalent qualification from  any  University or  Institution  recognized by  any  State GovernmenL or  the Government of India.

5.    EXAMINATION   FEE:    The examination fee has been exempted to  all the categories of candidates as per G.A. & P.G. Department Notification No.9897/Gen., dt.l1.04.2022.

(a)       The selection of candidates for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Agriculture
Officer shall be made on the basis of Written Test and Interview.
(b)       The detailed syllabus for the examination (Two papers) is at   Annexure-I.
(c)       i. Written  Test:   - It  shall consists of two  papers of objective types (Multiple Choice Questions) and each paper shall be of two   hours  duration carrying 100 marks each
ii. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers with a deduction of 0.25 marks for each wrong answers.
iii. Interview  shall consist of 2S (twenty  five)  marks.
(d)       The Commission shall short-list  the  candidates to  be called for  interview to  a reasonable number taking into consideration the marks secured in the written tesL.
(e)       The qualifying marks of written test will be decided by the Commission.
(f)        The Commission shall prepare a list of successful candidates in order of merit on the  basis of  written  test  and  interview,  which  shall  be  equal  to  the  number category wise vacancies advertised.
(g) If   two   or   more   candidates   obtain   equal   marks,   the   order   of   merit   shall  be determined   in  accordance  with  the  highest  marks  secured  by such  candidales   in wriLtcn  examination   and in case the marks secured  by them  in written  examination is equal,  the order  of merit  shall be determined   in accordance  with  age.

The wriLten examination for  the  post of AssisLant Agriculture Officers shall be held at
Cuttack. The programme of the examination shall be notified well in advance.

(i)       The candidate must be a citizen of India;
(ii)       The candidate must be able to read, write and speak Odia; and have -
(a) passed Middle School examination with Odia as a language subject; or
(b) passed  Matriculation  or  equivalent  examination  with   Odia as  medium  of examination in non-language subject; or
(c) passed in Odia as language subject in the  final examination of Class -  VII from  a  school or  educational institution  recognized by  the  Government of Odisha or the Central Government; or
(d) passed a test  in Odia in  Middle English School standard conducted by the School &  Mass Education Department of  Government of  Odisha/ Board of Secondary Education, Odisha.
(iii)      A  candidate,  who  has  more  than  one  spouse living,  will  not  be  eligible  for appointment  unless  the  State  Government  has  exempted  his/her  case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reasons;
(iv)      Government servants,  whether  temporary  or  permanent,  are  eligible to  apply provided that they possessthe requisite qualification and are within the prescribed age-limit  as provided under Para-3 &  Para-4 of  the Advertisement. They must inform their respective Heads of the Office in wriling regarding submission of their QQplication for  this  recruitment  and  furnish  "No   Objection  Certificate"  during document verification.
(v)       If a candidate has at any time, been debarred for a certain period/chance(s) by the Odisha Public Service Commission or other State Public Service Commissionor U.p.s.c. from appearing at any examination / viva voce test, he/she will  not  be eligible for such recruitment for that speclflec period / chance(s);
(vi)      Only   those   candidates, who   possess the   requisite  qualifications,  are within   the  prescribed age  limit  and  fulfill   other  eligibility  conditions etc. by the  closing date  for  submission of  registered online application form, will be considered eligible;
(vii)    A candidate who claims change in his/her name after  having passed the H.S.\.. examination, is required to furnish copy of publication of the changed name in the local leading daily  newspaper as well as copy of  notification  in the Gazette in support of his/her change of name;
(viii)     Every candidate    selected     for    appointment shall be examined by the Medical Board.  A  candidate,  who   does  not   satisfy  the   requirement   after   medical examination, shall not be appointed;

(i) Online  applications  submitted  to  OPSC,if found  to  be incomplete  in any respect, are  liable  for  rejection without   entertaining  any correspondence with  the  applicants on that  score;
(ii)       Admission  to   Examination/   Viva   Voce  test   will   be  provisional.  If   on verification  at  any  stage  before  or after  the  Examination  it  is found  that a   candidate   does    not    fulfil     all  the    eligibility    conditions,   his/her candidature  will   be  liable   to  rejection.  Decision of  the Commission in regard  to  eligibility  or otherwise of candidate shall  be final;
(iii)      This advertisement  should not  be construed as binding  on the  Government to make appointment,
(iv)      Concessions meant  for  SEBC,S.C. & S.T.  by  Birth  are  admissible to  the Socially Economically Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes  & Scheduled Tribes  of Odisha  only;
(v) Any  misrepresentation  or  suppression of  information  by  the  candidate  in  lhe application form  will  result in cancellation of  his/her candidature or penalty, as decided by the Commissionshall be imposed on the candidate;

Candidates who will qualify in the written examination will be required to bring with them the hard copy of online application form along with copies of following rcievant certificates/documents and originals of the same for verification of their eligibility as per terms and conditions of the advertisement, the date of which shall be notified later on in due course, failing which his/her application will be rejected for the said post. The candidates are required to mention on each copy of documents "Submitted  by  me"  and put their full  Signature and date on the  same. They  must  not attach  the  original   certificates  to their  applications.
(i) H.S.C. or  equivalent certificate  in support  of  declaration  of  age  issued by the concerned Board/Council.
(ii)       Bachelor of  Science degree in Agriculture/Horticulture  Certificate  issued by  the recognized Universities or Institutions;
(iii)       Mark-sheets of B.Se. Agriculture/  B.Sc. Horticulture passed including fail marks if any, issued by the concerned Universities or Institutions;
(iv)      Two recent passport size photographs (unsigned and unattested) with the printout
/  hard copy of  online application form which  has been uploaded in the online application forms,
(v)       Any proof of identity;
Contd .... 
(vi)      Caste Certificate  by birth  in support of claim  as SESC/   SC /  ST, wherever applicable (Please see Note:  1);
(vii)     Required Odia test  pass certificate;
(viii)      Disability  Certificate   (indicating   percentage  of  permanent   disability)   issued  by the concerned  Medical Board wherever  applicable;
(ix)       If a   candidate    claims   to   possess  qualification,     equivalent    to   the   prescribed
qualification,    the  rule/authority    (with   number   and  date)   under  which       it  is  so treated,  must  be furnished  with  the print  out/hardcopy   of online  application  form.
(x) Discharge  Certificates  of  Ex-Serviceman  issued  by the  Commanding   Officer  of  the Unit  last served.  Ex-Servicemen  should  submit  an affidavit  undertaking   that  he has not  been  appointed   against  any  civil  post  after   retirement   from  military   service, wherever  applicable.
(xi)       Sports Certificate  issued by the Director  of Sports Odisha;  wherever  applicable.
(xii)       No Objection  Certificate  issued by the competent  authority.
(i) Candidates claiming to  be belonging to  S.E.S.C./ S.C. /S.T.  categories of Odisha by birth   are  required to  submit   copy  of the  relevant Caste  Certificate issued  by the  competent  authority   in  the  prescribed form.   Candidates of  SEBCcategory (other   than  Creamy layer)    must  submit   copy  of  Caste  Certificate  issued  by the competent authority   within     the   last   three    years   by   the   closing  date   for submission  of   online    application   form    in   the   prescribed  form.    The   SESC certificate  which   is more  than  three  years  old  by the  closing date  of submission of online  application form  is liable   for  rejection.
(i)      Women candidates belonging to  S.E.B.C./ S.C. /  S.T. categories are  required to
submit    Caste   Certificates   by   birth    showing   "daughter of ".   Caste
Certificates by virtue  of marriage (i.e.  showing "wife   of ") are not
acceptable and liable  for  rejection.
(iii)   Community (Caste   status)    once   mentioned  by  the   candidates  shall   not   be changed under  any circumstances.
The   competent   authorities    are:    -   District   Magistrate/    Collector   or Additional District Magistrate or Sub-divisional Magistrate/Sub-Collectors or Executive Magistrates  or  Revenue Officers,  not   below   the   rank   of  Tahasildar
/ Additional Tahasildar of Government of Odisha.
Degree Certificate, Caste Certificate, Odia test  pass certificate,  Discharge Certificate of Ex-servicemen, Sports  Person Certificate and Disability Certificate of  Person with   Disabilities  (indicating  %        of  permanent  disability),  etc.  must have  been  issued  by  the  competent  authority  within   the   last  date  fixed   for submission!  receipt  of registered online  application form.

Applications   of  candidates   will  be  rejected   by  the  Commission   on  any  of  the  following grounds:  -
(a)  Not  possessing the  requisite qualifications,  within   the  prescribed age limit  and fulfilling  other  eligibility  conditions etc.  by the closing date  for submission of registered online  application form.
(b)  In-complete  online  application form.
(c)   Non-submission     of  hard   copy   of  online     application        form     at  the time  of  verification       of  original     documents.
(d)   Not   passing   Odia   test   (M.E.   standard)/not       furnishing    Odia   test pass evidence   as required     under  Para-8   (ii)  of the  Advertisement.
(e) Not   coming     within    the   age   limit     of  candidate      as   mentioned     in Para-3 of   the    advertisement      (Overage     relaxation       shall     not    be allowed      to   P.W.D.    candidates  with    less    than     400/0       permanent
(f) Not having  requisite  qualification     as provided  under  Para-4  of the advertisement.
(9)   Not furnishing    copies of certificates/documents         as provided under
Para - 10 of the  Advertisement.
(h) Submission   of wrong  information  /  false  information  about qualification!          Age    !      Category     status       (SEBC/SC/ST/PWD/
Ex-Servicemen/Sports   Person/Women  etc.),
(i)   Suppression of facts / information     about eligibility,      if any.
(j) Any other ground as per the  decision of the Commission.
NB:        Application     /candidature       of  a  candidate     shall   be  rejected    at  any  stage   of recruitment     process, whenever  discrepancy    is noticed/  detected.

(a) Candidates must  go  through  the  details of  this  Advertisement  available in the
Website of OPSCbefore filling up online application form.
(b) Candidates  must  apply  online  through   the  concerned  Website  of  the  OPSC  Applications received through any other  mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
(c) Before  filling     up  the  online application   form,  the  candidates  must   go through  detailed   instructions available   at OPSC portal.
(d) The  online  application  form  is automated  and  system  driven  &  will  guide  the candidate  seamlessly in  Alling  the  application.  The  requisite  options  shall  be enabled and information shall be asked as per data furnished by the candidate. Before filling  up the information, ensure that accurate information  is fed,  for edit option  is limited  & on  confirmation  there  is no scope for  further  edit,  even if wrongful entry' has been made while filling up' online aQ.Qlication.
(e) Candidates are  requested to  upload the  scanned image of  latest  passport size photograph along with scanned image of his/her full signature and scanned image of  Left-hand Thumb  Impression (LTI)  in  the  online  application  form.  Uploaded photograph, Specimen (full) signature and LTI must be clearly identifiable / visible, otherwise  the  application  of  the   candidate  is  liable  to  be  rejected  by  the Commission and no representation from the candidate will be entertained.
(1)  Candidates should keep at  least two  copies of  latest  passport size photograph which is uploaded to the online application form for future use.
()!.) On successful submission of the online Registration, a unique  "Permanent Public Service Account Number (PPSAN)1w/ ill be assigned to the applicant. CandIdatesare re,quired to  take  a  printout   of  the  finallv  submitted   online  RegistrationLRc­ registration and finallv submitted Online Application forms and put Ilis/her signature under  the  declaration  for  submission to  OPSC along  with  copies of  requisite certificate & documents as and when asked.
(11)The  candidates  are advised  to  submit  the  Online  Application   Form well  in advance without  waiting  for the closing date to avoid the last hour  rush.
(1)  CerLificate of Admission  to  the written  examination   to  the eligible  candidates  will  be uploaded   in  the  Website  of  the  OPSC prior   to  the  date  of  written   examination, which  will  be  published   in  the  Website  of  the  Commission   and  widely  circulated Newspapers.  The  candidates  are  required  to  download   their  Admission  Certificate from   the  Website  of  the  Commission  and  produce  the  same  at  the  Examination centre  for  admission  to  the  written   examination.   No separate  correspondence   will be made on this score.
(j)  "Intimation     letters"    to   candidates    for   document    verification    &   interview    and "Atlestation   form"  & "Bio-data  form"  shall be uploaded  in the website  of OPSC prior to the date of Document  Verification/Interview.
(k)  Any complaint   on the  conduct  of examination   must  be sent  to the  Grievance  Wing of the Commission  bye-Mail   (  wilhin   03 (Three)  days of completion  of the examination.

To resolve  any  Technical problem  faced  in  filling  up  of  online  Registration/  Re registration  and  Application  forms,  csndiaste may  contact  OPSC Technical Support  over
Telephone No. 0671-2304707/2304141      between 10.30 A.M. to 1.30 P.M. s 2.00 P.M. to
!.J~OOP.M. on any Odisha Government working days.
In  case of any guidance/information  on this advertisement &  recrultment,  caodtdetes may go  through the FAQ available in the  website of  the Commission or contact the o.p.5.C Facilitation Counter over Telephone No. 0671-2304141/2305611 & Extn.- 227 on any working day between   10.30 A.M. to 1.30 
The candidates are required to VISItthe website of the Commission at hltp:// for  deteaed information  about important  notices, rejection of applicalions,  the date &  time of written  examination, document  verification & interview  and  also keep  track  of publicdtion  of various notices to the effect in the leading local daily newspapers for information.


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