Recruitment of various post in STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED | Wednesday, November 23, 2022


(A Government of India Public Sector Undertaking)

Recruitment of 245 Management Trainees (Technical) in SAIL through GATE

SAIL,  a Maharatna    CPSE,  is a major Steelmaker   of the Nation  with a turnover of more than Rs.  1 Lakh Crore (FY 21-22). To man its front-line  positions  at its Steel Plants/Units  and Mines across India, SAIL requires  245 young, energetic,  result oriented and promising  talent   to join as Management  Trainee (Technical)  in El  grade in various Engineering  disciplines  for operation  of its Plants/ Units and  Mines  across India.


Posts  for  SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/Physically     DisabledlEWS   categories  will  be  as per  Presidential
Directives  and will be reserved  as under:
"Includes 32  Backlog   positions   (OBC(NCL)•08,  SC-ll,     ST-13)  in  Disciplines   of  Chemical Engineering(02),  Electrical  Engineering(08),   Instrumentation  Engineering(09),  Mechanical Engineering  (11), Mining  Engineering(02).
FOI Persons with Disability,  4%  posts are reserved  across the streams on horizontal  basis.

Upper  Age limit:    28 years  as on 23.11.2022,  i.e., not born earlier than 23.11.1994.

Relaxation   in upper  age limit  as on 23.11.2022(closing   Date  of Online  Application):
Minimum   Qualification:      Degree  in Engineering  with  65%  marks  (average  of all semesters, irrespective  of the weightage  given to any particular  year by the Institute/ University),  in any of 
the seven(7)  Engineering  disciplines  of Mechanical, Metallurgy,  Electrical,  Chemical, Civil
Instrumentation  and Mining.

Candidates   interested  in applying  for Management   Trainee  (Technical)  posts  in SAIL   should possess  Degree in Engineering!  Technology  in related  disciplines  as given below to be eligible to apply against the respective disciplines  as given below:
The requisite  qualification  should  have been  acquired  through  a regular/  full time  course  from Universities/Institutions    recognised/accredited   by councilsl bodies  like UGC/AICTE etc., set up by Central/State  Government  for the purpose.
Relaxation   in   Qualification   :  The   SC/STIPWD    and   Departmental    Candidates    having Engineering  Degree  in the required  disciplines  with  55% marks  (average  of all semesters)  shall be eligible to apply.
The OBC candidates  who belong to 'Creamy  layer'  are not entitled to OBC reservation  and such candidates  have  to indicate  their category  as GeneraL  The OBC  (non-creamy  layer),  and EWS candidates  would be required  to submit the requisite  certificate  [OBC(non-creamy  layer) - caste certificate  and EWS-  Income  and Assets  Certificate]  in the prescribed  format  as applicable  for employment  under Central Govt. issued by the competent  authority 011 or after 01/04/2022,  at the time of Interview   It may be noted that the post of Management  Trainees  (Technical)  is open for Orthopedically   Disabled  candidates   (OAlOL/OAL)    having  disability  of  40%  or  more  in the relevant   category   and  Dwarfism   (Dw)    only.   PWD  candidate   will  be  required   to  submit Disability  Certificate  issued by the Competent  Authority  in the prescribed  format.
Category  (SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWSIPWD)   once entered  in the online application form will
not be allowed to be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on. 

Candidates   should  be  of  sound  physique,   free  from  any  physical   defect.  Medical  standards stipulate  minimum  requirements  of Weight 45 kg; Height  155 em; Myopia  and Hypermetropia,  if any, not to exceed ± 4.00 in each eye and no squint or colour blindness,  partial  or full. Suitable relaxation   in height  and  weight  will  be  given  to  female  candidates.  In case  of persons  with disability,  only orthopedically  disabled candidates  with OA or OL disability  with minimum  40% disability  can apply.
Note:    The   medical    standards    indicated    above   are   minimum    pre-requisites.     However, appointment   of  selected  candidates   will  be  subject  to  their  passing   the  Company's   Medical Examination  as per standards laid down under SAIL's  Medical  & Health Manua1.

SAIL will be recruiting Management  Trainees (Technical)  in the seven engineering  disciplines  as mentioned   above  by utilisation   of  GATE  2022  scores.  For   this,  SAIL  will  be  utilising   the scores   obtained    in   the   seven   GATE    2022   Engineering     papers    i.e.,   Mechanlcal(ME), Metallurgical(MT),      Electrical(EE),      Chemical(CH),     Civil(CE)    Instrumentationfl'N)       and Mining(MN).     The candidates  who have appeared  in Graduate    Aptitude   Test  in Engineering (GATE)   2022  Examination    are  eligible  to  apply.    Candidates  who  apply  for SAIL  will  be shortlisted on the basis  of their performance  ill the relevant  GATE 2022 examination  paper  and Company's  requirement.  Shortlisted  candidates  would be intimated  through careers page website of SAIL to appear for Group Discussion  and Interview.  For  final  selection,  the  merit  list  will be drawn  by combining   the scores  of Written   test (GATE  2022), GD and  Interview   with the weightage  of75:10:15   in that  order.

Company  proposes   to  consider  the  candidates   who  have  appeared  in GATE   2022  in  seven engineering    discipline    papers    of   Mechanical(ME),      Metallurgical(MT),       Electrical(EE), Chemical    (CH),   Civil(CE),    Instrumentation      (IN)  and   :Mining(MN)   for   recruitment     as Management    Trainee   (Technical).
Candidates     who  have   appeared    in  a  different    GATE   paper    (other   than   that   of  their Qualifying   Engineering    discipline)   will not  be considered   for  further   selection  procedure. For  example,  if  a  candidate   possesses   a  B.E.IB.Tech   degree  in  Chemical   Engineering   and appeared   for Mechanical   Engineering  paper  in  GAtE  2022,  his/her  candidature  will  not  be considered  for further shortlisting.
Candidates    will require   their  GATE-2022   Registration    Number   for  applying   to SAIL.  The registration  number  is mentioned  in the GATE-2022  admit card. No other number  (for example, GA TE-2022  Application/Online  Form No. etc.) should be entered while applying  to SAIL.
The relevant  link for applying  for SAIL  MTT  would  be made  available  as per  dates indicated below on SAIL's  careers website  at  or   If the candidate is called  for further  selection  process,  his/her  identity  would  be verified with GATE-2022  Admit card and GATE-2022  official  Score Card. SAIL will  consider  only GATE-20l2   marks.  GATE-
2021 marks  or prior  to that will not be considered.  Therefore,  candidates  must  provide  correct
GATE-2022  Registration  number while applying  for SAIL.

From  among  those  who  qualify  in the  GATE-2022  paper,  candidates  will  be  shortlisted  for
Group Discussion  (GD) and Interview  in the ratio of 1: 12 for each discipline,  category  wise, in order  of merit.  TIle GD and Interview may be held  at short notice  for which  call letters  will be uploaded  on SAIL website  and candidates  will be intimated  for the same  through  their emails. No other communication  will be sent to the candidates  for this purpose. 
In case  two or more  candidates  are coming  on same  cut-off  point  in final merit  list,  the offer letter will be issued to the candidate having higher marks in the written test.  illcase,  there is also a tie in the written  test marks,  the candidate  with  higher  marks  in eligibility  qualification  i.e. relevant RE.IBTech.    degree will be selected.
To  be  eligible  for  GD  and  Interview  call,  a candidate  will  have  to  qualify  in  the respective discipline   by  scoring   minimum   50  percentile   score  for  unreserved   posts  in  the  respective category.   For  SC/ST/OBC  (NCL)IPWD  candidates  the qualifying  marks will be 40 percentile score.

SAIL, at various  stages, may capture photo/  thumb impression  of the candidates  in digital format
for Biometric  verification  of genuineness  of the candidates  at 2/3 stages i.e. GD/ Interview stage and at the time of joining  in SAIL. Candidate  will ensure that the correct  impression  is captured at various  stages  and any inconsistency  will lead to rejection  of the candidature.   In case of any candidate   found  to  be  not  genuine,   apart  from  taking  legal  actions  against  him/her,  his/her candidature  will  be cancelled.   As such,  they are advised  not to apply any external  matter  like mehndi,  ink, chemical,  etc. on their hands.

Candidates  selected  as Management  Trainees(Technical)   will be placed on training for one year. The Management  Trainees  (Technical)  will be registered  as Apprentices  under the provisions  of Apprentices  Act,  1961.  After  successful  completion  of training,  the candidates  shall be placed under probation  for one year.

The Management  Trainees(Technical)   will be offered Basic  Pay ofRs.50,OOO/- p.m,  in the pay
scale of Rs. 50000-1,60000/-.  On successful  completion  of training of one year, the Management Trainees  (Technical)  will be designated  as Assistant  Manager  and p1aced in the scale of pay of Rs.60,000-1,80,000/-.
Besides  Basic Pay, the Management  Trainees  (Technical)  will also be paid Dearness  Allowance. They  will  also  be  entitled  for perquisites  under  cafeteria   approach  and  benefits  such  as  PF, Gratuity  and  other  allowances  as per  rules  of  the  Company  ill vogue.  III  addition,  Company provides  benefits  like  Leave  encashment,  HousingIHRA   and free medical  facility  for self  and dependents   as  per  Company   rules.  CTC  will  be  approximately   Rs.   16  Lakhs  per  annum (excluding   PRP,   location   based   allowances   etc.)  at  minimum   of  E-l    grade.   Being   direct recruitment   on  initial  basic  pay,   the  Company   will  not  bear   any  liability   on  account   of Salary/leave  salary/ pension  contribution  etc., of previous employment,  if any.

If  selected,   the  candidates   can  be  posted   to  any  PlantiUnit   location   of  the  Company.   The candidates  will not be allowed  to seek/apply  for transfer to any other plant/unit  location  of the Company  for initial four years of service.  For departmental  candidates,  this restriction will be for initial two years.

Eligible  and interested  candidates  would be required  to apply online only through  SAIL careers page   on  SAIL's   website:    No  other    means/mode    of  application    will  be accepted.  Before  applying  the candidates  should  ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility  norms. Their registration in SAIL will be provisional  as their eligibility will be verified  only at the time 
of  Interview.   Mere  issue  of  Admit   card/Interview   call  letter  will  not  imply  acceptance   of candidature.   The candidature   of a registered  candidate  is liable  to be rejected  at any  stage  of recruitment  process  or even on joining,  if any information  provided  by the candidate  is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria at any stage.
Before registering  their applications  on the website,  the candidates  should possess  the following:

a)  Valid e-mail ID and mobile number, which should remain valid for atleast one year. b)   GATE-2022  Registration Number.

c)   Candidates  should have  latest passport  size photograph  Opg or jpeg file only upto 50 Kb) as
well  as photograph   of  signatures  in digital  format  (jpg or jpeg  file  only  upto  20  kb)  for uploading  with the application  form.

d)   Provision to pay Application fee (including Processing Fee) of  Rs.7001-  for
GenerallOBCIEWS Candidates or Rs. 2001- as processing fee  for SCI STI PWDI ESMI
Departmental candidates. Candidates can opt to pay the application fee online through Net
Banking/Credit Card / ATM-cum-Debit Card or at Bank through system generated Challan
Form. Candidate will have to bear the bank charges in addition to the applicable application fee /processing charge.

e)  While submitting the application online, candidates should note the following:
i) SAIL will not undertake detailed scrutiny  of applications fOJeligibility and other aspects at  the  time  of  Application stage  and  therefore, the  candidature  is  accepted  only provisionally.

ii) Candidates are advised to read carefully instructions for online submission of application, which will be available in the website itself.

iii) Candidate must write  hislher name  as it appears in  the Matriculation certificate or
equivalent examination.

iv) Category (GenerallSC/ST/OBC(NCL)IEWS/PWDIES:Mo) nce submitted in  the online application cannot be changed and no benefit of other category will be subsequently admissible. Candidate should be in the possession of valid Category certificate.

v) Wherever CGPAlOGPA   or letter grade in degree is awarded; equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the online application form as per nonns adopted by the
University / Institute. Where no norms have been specified, the CGPA / OGPA will be presumed to have been provided on a 10 point scale. TIle candidates will have to produce a  copy of  these norms  with  respect  to  their University /  Institute at  the  time  of GD/Intelview.

vi)  The short-listed candidates appearing in the GD/Intelview would be required to furnish certificates /documents in  original regarding proof  of  date  of birth,  caste/category, qualification, experience, PWDIESM status, Registration slip, E-receipt of Application Fee, NOC from present employer etc. as applicable at the time of GD/Interview.

f)  The process of submission of application form:
i) Submit the application only through SAIL website at "Careers" page or   .

ii)   Read the advertisement carefully to be certain about your eligibility.

iii)  Go through the User Manual available in the site and follow the steps as mentioned.

iv)  Click on "Login".

v)   If already registered, click on "Registered User" and go further by using User ID &

vi)  In case of "New User"-Complete One Time Registration (OTR) first and then go to
"Registered User" and go further by using User ill& Password. 

vii) Complete  the application  submission  process  step by step by filling required  information, uploading  the document(s)  as required  and making  payment  online  or at Bank  through Challan.

viii)After   your  payment   gets  confirmed,   your  Registration   slip  will  show  the  status  of
payment   as  "confirmed"   and  that  is  the  confumation   of  completion   of  Registration process.  Registration  without confirmation  of payment will not be completed.

ix)  Submit the application after completion of all requisites and take a print out of completed application having unique registration ill.  Please ensure to download system generated Provisional Registration slip.

x)   No request for editing of Application details will be entertained in wrong submission cases and candidaturewill stand rejected.
After   applying   online,  a  candidate   is  required   to  download   the  system  generated
Registration  Slip / Application Form with unique Registration ID / Number.
Note:  Wbile filling the  online  application, candidates must carefully follow all  the  steps. Incomplete  application,  application  without  photograph  & signature/  application  without application fee / application not fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be summarily rejected. No communication in this regard will be entertained from the applicant. The decision of SAIL in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance, rejection of the application, issue of call letters will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection.

g)  Important:   All correspondence with candidates shall be done through EmaillSMS/ SAIL Career Website only. All information regarding shortlisting for GD/ PI & Call Letter etc. shall be provided through Email/SMS/uploading on SAIL website. Shortlisted Candidates can download Call Letter once it is made available on the SAIL website. SAIL will nor be responsible for any loss of EmaillSMS sent, due to invalid or wrong Email ID/ Mobile Number provided by the candidate or for delay / non-receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/her EmaillMobile in time or due to any network related issue. Shortlisted Candidates will be allowed to appear in the GDIPI, only if they possess valid Call Letter. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of Call letter any other information shall be of the candidate.

i) Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
ii) The minimum age of employment on regular basis in SAIL is 18 years.
iii)Candidates possessing full tune degree course from Institutes approved/recognized by
UGC/AICTE will only be eligible to apply.

iv) Departmental candidates having acquired qualifying degree through correspondence/part time courses  from Universities/ Institutions recognised/accredited by councils/ bodies like UGCI  AICTE etc. set up by Central/State  Government for the purpose and who are eligible to  sit  for relevant GATE paper  can  also  apply for  SAIL MTT. The term
departmental candidates means those candidates who are currently working with SAIL as permanent employees and not wards of SAIL employees.

v) While  applying the  candidates  should  enter  their  full  name  as  it  appears  in  the
matriculation certificate.

vi) Wherever CGPAlOGP A or letter grade in a degree is awarded; equivalent percentage of
marks should be indicated in the online application form as per norms adopted by the University/Institute. Where no n01111hSave been specified, the CGPAlOGPA   will be presumed to have been provided on a 10 point scale. The candidate will have to produce a 
copy  of these  conversion  norms/no  norms  with respect  to hislher  University/Institute   at the tune of Interview.

vii) Candidates   employed  in  Govt.  departments/Pstls/Autonomous      Bodies  are  required  to
produce  NOC  at the time of interview.   In case  of selection,  candidates  will required  to produce  proper  discharge   certificate  from  the  employer   at  the  time  of  taking  up  the appointment.

viii)The  SC/ST/OBCCNCL)/EWSIPWD  certificate  should  be as per  the format  available  on SAIL  website   and  as  applicable   for  employment   under  Central  Govemment.   If  the certificate  has been  issued ill a language  other than English/Hindi,  the candidates  will be required  to submit a self- certified  translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi.

ix)Candidates may visit the FAQs section on the SAIL website for any queries.

x)Candidates   should  retain  their  copy  of  GATE  2022  Admit  card  showing  Registration number,  GATE 2022 Score card, and SAIL Provisional  Registration  Slip, as they can be asked to produce  it for future reference.

xi)  The  posts  advertised   are  tentative.   SAIL  reserves   the light   to  cancel/restrict/enlarge/ modify/alter   the requirements   advertised,  if need  so  arise,  without  issuing  any further notice or assigning  any reason thereto.
xii) Selection/joining   of the candidate  will be subject  to medical  fitness  as per  rules  of the company.

xiii) The candidates  applying  against  this  advertisement  may be considered  for appointment
by any of the Subsidiaries/Joint  Venture  Companies  of SAIL, after requirement  of SAIL is fulfilled.  In such case their appointment  will be as per the terms and conditions  of the respective  Subsidiary/Joint  Venture Company.

xiv) Action against candidates  found guilty of misconduct:   Candidates  are cautioned  that they
should not furnish  any particulars  that are false, tampered/fabricated   and they should not suppress any material information  while filling up the application  form.

xv)  In  case  it is  detected  at  any  stage  of recruitment   that  a  candidate  does  not  fulfil  the eligibility  norms  and/or  that  he/she  fumished   any  incorrect   false  information   or  has suppressed  any material  facts(s), hislher  candidature  will stand cancelled.   If any of these shortcomings   is/are  detected  even  after  appointment,   hislher  services  are  liable  to  be terminated.

xvi) The eligibility  of the candidate  W.Lt.  Upper  Age  Limit/Qualification/Category    shall be
reckoned   as  on  closing   date  of  receipt   of  online   application   as  mentioned   in  the advertisement.

xvii)  Decision  of SAIL in all matters  regarding  eligibility,  other  tests and selection  would be final  and  binding   on  all  candidates.     No  representation   or  correspondence   will  be entertained  in this regard.

xviii) All  further  announcements/details    pertaining   to  this  process   will  only  be  published! notified  on SAIL career website on ,  or    from time to time. Transparency/  Discipline-wise  and Category-wise  Cut-Off Marks will be published tentatively after one month of declaration  of final list for joining.

xix)  Court of jurisdiction  for any dispute will be at Delhi. IMPORTANT DATES (Tentative) :

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