(A Category–1‘Mini Ratna’ Public Sector Enterprise)
Eastern Region, NSCBI Airport, Kolkata
Airports Authority of India invites online applications from the eligible candidates who are domicile of West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Sikkim for the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service) NE-4 level, Senior Assistant (Electronics) and Senior Assistant (Accounts) NE-6 level, at various AAI airports and other AAI Establishments in the above States/UT in Eastern Region. Applicants shall apply online only through Airports Authority of India Website i.e., [] for the above post at AAI Airports/Establishments under AAI.
* No. of posts may vary
** Post is applicable only for dependent of Ex-serviceman killed in action.
Note: Disabled candidates are not eligible for the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service) due to specific nature of job.
Abbreviation: - NCL = Non-Creamy Layer, ESM = Ex- Serviceman
EWS = Economically Weaker Section
In addition to Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance Perks @ 35% of Basic Pay, HRA and other benefits which include CPF, Gratuity, Social Security Schemes, Medical Benefits etc. are admissible as per AAI Rules.
Note: Airports Authority of India Reserves the right to increase or decrease the vacancies depending upon the future requirements.
Candidates should possess the requisite qualifications & relevant experiences (where required) for on-line registration of application [].
Departmental Candidates possessing recognized degrees as per the required minimum qualification, obtained through part-time/correspondence/distance education mode shall be eligible to apply.
Note: -
Candidates applying for the post of Jr. Assistant (Fire Service) must not have undergone any major operation by virtue of which his/her physical fitness to work in fire service has been impaired. Candidates should be capable of undergoing physical strain for prolonged periods. Physical deformity, chronic diseases, colour blindness, night blindness, squint eye, flat foot, bow legs, knocking knee and refractive error will be considered as disqualification.
A. Written Examination - Computer Based (Online):
The level for written examination for the post of Jr. Assistant (Fire Service) will be
as under:
The level for written examination for the post of Sr. Assistant (Electronics) and
Sr. Assistant (Accounts) will be as under: -
The minimum pass marks will be 50 out of 100 for General/OBC/EWS/Ex-Serviceman/dependent of Ex-Serviceman killed in action candidates and 40 out of 100 for SC, ST candidates. The time duration for Computer Based (Online) Test will be 2 Hrs. No negative marking for incorrect answers.
B. Certificate/Document Verification. (applicable for all cadres)
C. Driving Test [For Junior Assistant - Fire Service only]
D. Medical fitness/Physical Measurement Test
[For Junior Assistant -Fire Service only]
The candidates for the post of Jr. Assistant (Fire Service) upon passing the Computer Based (Online) Test, shall appear in the driving test. The driving test will be conducted on Light Motor Vehicle. Candidate cleared pass in the Driving Test shall only be allowed to appear for Physical Endurance Test.
E. Physical Efficiency Test [For Junior Assistant -Fire Service only]
Physical Efficiency Test for Female candidates:
Physical Efficiency Test for Male candidates:
• 100 Meters running is required to be completed in 16 seconds for male and 19
seconds for female, failing which he/she will be disqualified.
• Total height of Rope and pole shall be after adding 2 meters. Example: for male
2+6=8 meters & for female 2+4=6 meters.
• Ladder to be pitched at the height of 6 meters from ground level.
Candidates shall secure minimum 60 marks out of 100 in Physical Endurance Test.
The candidate who does not fulfil the eligibility criteria at any stage mentioned above will not be considered for the next stage of selection process and therefore, will be disqualified and shall not be allowed in further selection process.
Appointment to the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service) is subject to fulfilling all eligibility conditions and successful completion and passing of 18 weeks of Basic Training Course in which 02 weeks training should be exclusively meant for imparting on maintenance and driving on Heavy Duty Vehicle from AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA Training Institutes. During training, incumbent is entitled for stipend of ₹ 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Thousand) per month as per the rules. AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA will not be responsible for any injury caused during the course of selection process.
1. No application fee is required to be paid by Female/SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Serviceman/Dependent of Ex-Serviceman killed in action/EWS candidates/apprentices completing 1 year of apprenticeship training in AAI.
2. AAI will accept Application Fee through online net banking/credit card/debit card/UPI only.
3. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
Candidates are advised not to respond to unscrupulous advertisements appearing in any newspaper/websites/mobile apps etc. For authenticity of any information, candidates may visit AAI website only for detailed advertisement.
Eligible applicants are required to apply through Online Application Link available on under tab “Careers”. No application through any other mode will be accepted. No documents are required to be sent to AAI in connection with the application, other than specified.
Please go through the detailed instructions given in the recruitment notification/advertisement and on the main page of the online application form.
1. Before registering/submitting online applications on the website the candidates should possess the following:
a) Active E-mail ID & Mobile Number: candidates should have valid personal E-mail ID & Mobile number. Candidate must ensure that both mail id & mobile number are active during the entire recruitment process. Application sequence number, User ID, Password and all other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID (please ensure that email sent to this mail box is not redirected to your junk/spam folder) & mobile number.
b) While applying online, candidates should keep the scanned/digital copy of their recent passport size color photograph (white/light-colored background and not older than 6 months) and their signature (signed on white paper with Blank ink pen) in .jpg or jpeg format only, having maximum file size 100 KB for uploading
with online application. Photograph in cap/hat/dark glasses will not be acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover the face.
c) Scanned copy of all relevant documents/details relating to eligibility criteria viz., educational qualification, caste certificate, experience certificate (wherein applicable), domicile certificate, driving license, desirable qualification, details of physical measurements, discharge certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen, etc., should be available with the candidate for submitting in online application form. Each certificate should be in JPG/JPEG/PDF format.
d) The candidate should ensure a facility to take Printout of the application form on their own.
e) The process of submitting online application is given below...
1. Candidates agreeing to Terms & Conditions of the recruitment process may apply by clicking (√) in the Box & press 'START' button.
2. The candidate should fill up all the desired information i.e. Post Applied, candidate name, email id, mobile number, etc. correctly.
3. Sign-up by filling-up Post Applied, Category, Candidate Name, Mobile Number and E-Mail ID After clicking SUBMIT button/ tab, the candidates will receive Application Sequence No (User ID) & Password on their registered E-mail ID during Signing. Now, candidate has to Click "Log Out" tab (given on top right corner) and re-log in for Step-II. On completion of Step-I, Sign- Up mail will be received in candidate’s registered Email ID/mobile number confirming his singed-up along with the User ID (Application Sequence No.) and password
4. After signed-up, candidate has to Re-login and click on “Go to Application Form” icon at top right corner, select his/her category and other mandatory details and complete Personal Details, Qualification Details, Upload photo/signature) and submission of Fee (wherein applicable) through Online mode.
5. Instructions regarding scanning of Photograph and Signature: Candidates should upload the scanned (digital) image of their photograph and signature in Jpg/jpeg format, as per the process given below:
STEPSTEP:: II (Sign(Sign--Up)Up) STEPSTEP:: III (Filling I (Filling –– up of application)up of application) Photograph Image:
✓ Photograph must be a recent passport size color picture on light background (not older than 03 Months).
✓ Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
✓ The size of the scanned image should be up to 100 kb in jpg/ jpeg format only.
Signature image:
✓ The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black ink pen.
✓ The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
✓ Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.
✓ Size of file should be up to 100 kb in Jpg/jpeg format only. Certificate image/pdf:
Please scan and upload relevant certificate (self-attested) in the online portal as per requirements.
✓ Matriculation Certificate as Date of Birth Proof
✓ Educational qualification Certificate in respect of post applied for including mark sheets if any.
✓ Experience Certificate, Computer Training Course certificate (wherever applicable)
✓ Caste Certificate. (Computerized format issued by the competent local authorized Govt. Authorities.)
✓ Disability Certificate in the prescribed proforma issued by the Competent Authority. (wherever applicable) as per Government guidelines.
✓ Domicile Certificate. (Computerized format issued by the local Govt. authorities.
✓ Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority (Not below the rank of Tahsildar) in the format prescribed by Government of India for EWS candidates.
✓ Driving License for Junior Assistant (Fire Service) (Valid Heavy Vehicle Driving License; OR Valid Medium Vehicle Driving License issued at least one year before the date of Advertisement; OR Valid Light Motor Vehicle Driving License issued at least two years before the date of Advertisement.
✓ In case of Ex-Servicemen, scanned copy of Discharge Certificate in the prescribed proforma from Competent Authority.
✓ No Objection Certificate (applicable to candidates working in Govt./PSU etc).
✓ AAI identity card for AAI employees (applicable for AAI staff).
Size of the files should be max 1 MB (Only PDF, JPEG and JPG formats).
6. CLICK PREVIEW Button to view the details entered.
7. Please ensure that all aspects of the application and Photo/Sign/Other relevant documents before submitting.
8. Please note that you cannot Edit/Modify your application once you click SUBMIT Button.
9. Once the application is submitted, candidates automatically will be redirected to Payment gateway to deposit the application fee through online mode (wherever required).
10. Guidelines for remittance of fee are as under (if applicable):
✓ Post submission, the candidate will be re-directed to Payment gateway to make the online payment of application fees.
✓ Kindly verify the details and make the payment for application fees via the different payment modes.
✓ After successful payment of application fees, the candidate will be redirected to his application form.
Technical queries/ clarifications relating to the filling up of ON-LINE APPLICATION, please feel free to contact through Helpdesk tab integrated in the Application portal or Helpdesk Number: 9513166392
1. Candidates on Their Own Interest Are Advised to Apply & Submit Application Promptly and Not to Wait till The Last Date/Time for Applying Online. AAI, ER Shall Not Be Responsible If Candidates Are Not Able to Submit Their Applications on Account of The Last-Minute Rush.
2. Please retain print-out of application form & payment acknowledgement slip for future references.
3. Please do not send hard copy of the application form or any documents to the office of AAI, Eastern Region.
4. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of E-Admit Card for On-Line Examination or any other information etc., lies with the Candidate/ applicant only. AAI, ER is not responsible for any loss of E-mail sent, due to invalid/wrong E-mail ID provided by the candidate or for delay/non-receipt of the information or in case of candidate fails to access his / her mail or AAI website on time.
5. Candidates can apply for multiple posts with separate registration for each post, subject to the condition that they fulfil all other eligibility criteria required for the post and deposit the fee separately for each post as applicable.
1. Candidates are advised to furnish correct information and should not provide any false documents/information while filling up the “on-line” application.
2. At any stage of recruitment or later, if a candidate is found guilty of any misconduct such as:
a. Impersonating or procuring impersonating by any person; or
b. Resorting to any form/Using undue influence for his/her candidature by any means; or
c. Submitted of false certificates/documents/information or suppressing any information at any stage; or
d. Giving wrong information regarding his/her category (SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EW/Ex-Serviceman/Dependent of Ex-Serviceman killed in action/AAI Apprentice)/ Experience Certificate etc. while appearing in the examination or thereafter; his/her candidature will be summarily rejected and will be terminated from service, apart from initiating any other action or taking legal recourse as deemed fit.
1. Only candidates who are domicile of West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Sikkim States can apply for the above
2. Before applying for the post, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfills the
eligibility and other norms mentioned in the advertisement. He/she may cross-check
the information furnished in the application form before finally submitting the same
as no correction would be possible later.
3. The eligibility with respect to Age and Educational Qualification will be determined as on 30.09.2022. The candidates whose result for final year examination is awaited, are also allowed to appear in the computer based/online examination for above posts provided they produce final result before appearing for physical endurance test or
document verification, whichever is applicable, if shortlisted for further selection procedure.
4. Candidates employed in Govt. Departments (Centre /State)/PSUs/Autonomous bodies must produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their current employer at the time of verification of documents. In case, the candidate fails to produce the NOC, his/her candidature will not be considered. Other claims/ disclaimers such as undertaking to resign in the event of selection, acknowledgement copy of applied NOC/Resignation Letter, Experience Certificate etc. shall not be entertained as a substitute for NOC.
5. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC will have to produce his/her original caste certificate from the duly recognized authorities, along with attested copy of the same, at the time of verification of documents failing which his/her candidature shall be cancelled and he/she will not be admitted for further selection process.
6. Candidates belonging to EWS category shall have to submit the EWS certificate for the current FY (2022-23) in prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority so as to prove he/she belongs to “EWS Category” at the time of documents verification failing which his/her candidature shall be cancelled and he/she will not be admitted for further selection process.
7. The OBC Candidates availing reservation will have to produce latest OBC CERTIFICATE with “NON CREAMY LAYER STATUS” as prescribed by the Government of India at the time of verification of the documents.
8. The SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/ Disability/Experience certificate issued by the Competent Authority should be either in Hindi or English. Any variation in the caste name will not be accepted.
9. Candidates applying after completion of Apprenticeship under AAI, shall submit Apprentice Certificate issued by AAI.
10. Only those candidates who are fulfilling all eligibility criteria will be allowed to appear for computer based/online examination at their own expense. In case of candidates applying for the post of Jr. Assistant (Fire Service), they will have to appear for the computer based/online exam and physical measurement, driving test, physical endurance test, etc, on their own expenses.
11. The education and other qualifications must be obtained from Government recognized Institutions/Universities as per statutes.
12. Specializations mandated as essential qualification, candidates are required to submit a certificate from the University/Institution clearly mentioning as the specialization in the qualifying degree.
13. Candidate must specifically indicate the percentage of marks obtained [calculated to nearest two decimals] in the relevant column of the application. Universities/ institutions awarding marks in CGPA/OGPA/DGPA/CPI etc. same should be converted into percentage and duly certified document issued by the University/Institution, equivalent percentage of marks, should be submitted at the time of documents verification.
14. Rounding off the percentage of marks will not be acceptable under any circumstances for consideration for appointment i.e. 49.99% will be treated as less than 50%
15. Online Test will be bilingual i.e. Hindi and English.
16. AAI reserves the right to increase or decrease number of examination centers depending upon the number of applicants/ candidates and in that case, candidates may be asked to appear at any place of examination centers other than specified by them.
17. The date of declaration of result/issuance of marks sheet shall be deemed to be date of acquiring the qualification and there shall be no relaxation on this account.
18. The provisional selection of the candidates will be as per the merit list, prepared on the basis of their performance in the On-line examination/physical Measurement and Endurance test/Driving test as applicable for the post, subject to meeting all other eligibility criteria prescribe for the post.
19. Roll numbers of the candidates provisionally selected for the appointment will be declared on AAI website. The offer letter will be sent to the provisionally selected candidates on their registered e-mail ids only.
20. The candidates selected for the post of Senior Assistant (Electronics) and Junior Assistant (Fire Services) shall have to execute a surety bond as follows: -
21. In case of Ex-Servicemen, attach copy of Discharge Certificate.
22. In case of employees coming from PSUs (following IDA Pay-Scales): Pay protection upto a maximum of 03 (three) increments in the form of Personal Pay will be given to all eligible employees who have been recruited in AAI through Direct Recruitment and that the initial basic pay of the candidate will be fixed at the starting level of the scale to which he/she has been selected. Pay for this purpose means Basic Pay. The said component of Personal Pay will be absorbed during fixation of pay in higher scale/pay revision. Personal pay will be shown as a separate component and will not count for any purpose including DA.
23. In case of employees coming from Central/State Government Ministries/ Department (following CDA Pay-Scales): Pay protection upto a maximum of 03 (three) increments in the form of Personal Pay will be given to all eligible employees who have been recruited in AAI through Direct Recruitment and that the initial basic pay of the
candidate will be fixed at the starting level of the scale to which he/she has been selected. Pay for this purpose means Basic Pay + DA.
The said component of personal pay will be absorbed during fixation of pay in higher scale/pay revision. Personal pay will be shown as a separate component and will not count for any purpose including DA.
24. AAI will not bear any liability on account of salary/leave salary/pension contribution etc., if any, of previous employment of any candidate already working in Central Government/State Government/Autonomous Body/Public Sector Undertaking.
25. Candidates are advised to apply on-line much before the closing date of application mentioned in this advertisement and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on the AAI’s website on account of heavy load on internet/website jam/disconnection.
26. AAI will not take any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of AAI.
27. The computer based/online test will be held in Kolkata/Bhubaneswar /Patna/Raipur/Ranchi/Port Blair/ Gangtok
28. Mere fulfilling of minimum qualification, experience and job requirement will not vest any right on candidates for being called for CBT/Physical Endurance test. No interim correspondence will be entertained.
29. Candidature of the registered candidates is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining if any information provided by the candidate is found false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
30. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates found ineligible and not called for CBT/physical endurance test.
31. The decision of AAI in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, selection and rejection of candidates, mode of selection, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, the documents is to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of selection and any other matter relating to recruitment, will be final and binding on all the candidates. The AAI reserves the right to fix the standard and specifications for screening and calling the number of candidates for computer based/online exam and/or physical endurance/driving test.
32. The AAI reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for test and change of exam centre on the basis of any other norms decided by the Authority at a later date.
33. The Admit cards for written tests and letters to be issued to the candidates are purely provisional. However, in case any ineligible candidate has been issued admit card and has appeared in the On-line examination/ test etc or allowed to join AAI, his/her candidature will automatically be treated as cancelled at any stage of the recruitment / service in AAI on grounds of his/her ineligibility.
34. AAI reserves that right to modify / alter / restrict / enlarge / cancel the recruitment process, if need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reasons thereof. The decision of the Management will be final and no appeal will be entertained.
35. No TA / DA will be paid for appearing in the computer based/On-line test.
36. Canvassing in any form of bringing influence will be treated as a disqualification.
37. The decision of the selection committee of AAI is not liable for challenge and same
shall stand final and binding of each candidate.
38. Airports Authority of India will have full discretion to fix minimum qualifying marks
and other eligibility criteria.
39. Court of Jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Kolkata.
40. Please do visit the website regularly for further updates.
41. Further notifications/corrigendum in this regard, if any, will be put up on AAI website only.
42. In case of any dispute, English version of notice and communication will be treated as valid.
On-Line Application validation rules and design are based on recruitment Advertisement (Advt. No. ER/01/2022) published in AAI website under tab “CAREERS”. However, candidates are advised to read the advertisement/notification carefully and should ensure that he/she fulfils eligibility criteria as mentioned in advertisement before applying online. The application submitted through on-line form does not imply that candidate has fulfilled all the criteria given in the advertisement. Your candidature in the whole recruitment/selection process is “PURELY PROVISIONAL” pending scrutiny of your eligibility as mentioned in the Advertisement (ADVT. NO. ER/01/2022) for the post applied at later stages of recruitment/selection process. In case, it is found that the candidate does not fulfil the eligibility criteria as per advertisement and any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not in conformity with the eligibility criteria mentioned in advertisement including age, category, sub-category, application fee, essential educational qualification(s) and experience etc., prescribed for the post his/her candidature shall be rejected at any stage of selection process and even after appointment.
Regional Executive Director
Airports Authority of India, Eastern Region
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