Recruitment of various post in ASSAM PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSTON | Thursday, January 26, 2023
Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwahati
Commission's website: http://www'ansc'nic'in Website for Online Application System: https: / /apscrecruitment,in No.26PSClE-212022-23 Dated Guwahati, the 22nd December, 2022 The Assam Public Service Commission will hold the Preliminary Examination of the Combined Competitive Examination, 2O22 for screening of candidates for the Main Examination for recruitment to the services/posts as per the actual number of vacancies as shown below, in accordance with the Assam Public Services Combined Competitive Examination Rules, 1989 (as amended till 202 21. ItFW: Iteserved lbr Women, PrvBD: Pcrsons with Bcnchmzrrk Disabilitics, IiWS:liconomicallv Weaker Section
**'fhe number of vacancies of anv of the services may be changed if required and will be
notilied accordingly.
All candidates (male/female/transgenderJ are requested to carefully read Assam Public
Services Combined Competitive Examrnation Rules, 1989, the Assam Public Service
Commission Combined Competitive Examination (AmendmentJ Rules,2019, Assam Public
Service Commission Combined Competitive Examination (Znd Amendment) Rules, 2022,
Assam Public Service Commission Combined Competitive Examination (AmendmentJ Rules,
2022, notified by the Govt. ofAssam Personnel (A) Department available on the Commission's
website and this advt. of Examination is derived from these Rules.
The candidates applying for the Examination should ensure that they fulfill atl eligibility
conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission to all the stages of examination
will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere
issue of e-Admission Certificate to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has
been finally cleared by the Commission. The Commission takes up verification of eligibility
conditions with reference to original documents only after the candidate has qualified for
Interview/Personality Test.
(AJ The centres for the Combined Competitive (PreliminaryJ Examination are BARPETA,
[BJ The Combined Competitive (MainJ Examination wil] be held in GUWAHATI Centre only.
[C) The exact dates for Preliminary and Main Examination respectively will be notified in due
[DJ The centres and the date for holding examination may however be changed by the
Commission at its discretion owing to unforeseen exigencies. Candidates admitted to the
examination will be informed of the time-table and place or places of examination. The
candidates should note that no request for change ofcentre will be entertained.
A) The Online Applications can be submitted from 12.00 Noon,26.12.2022 to 26.01,2023
till 5.00 P.M. after which the link will be disabled. Last date for payment of prescribed fee is
28,01,2023 till 5,00 P,M. Detailed instruction for submission of online application is
available at Appendix I.
Bl The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all the
eligibility conditions for admission to the Examination. Their admission at all the stages of
examination for which they are admitted by the Commission viz. Preliminary Examination,
Main (Written) Examination and Personality Test (lnterview) will be purely provisional,
subiect to satisfaction of the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time
before or after the Preliminary Examination, Main (writtenJ Examination and Personality
Test [[nterviewJ, it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their
candidature for the examination will be cancelled by the Commission.
Cl While submitting the Application Form, the candidate should carefully decide about
his/her choice of centre for the Examination. lf any candidate appears at a centre/venue
other than the one indicated by the Commission in his/her e-Admission Certificate, he/she
will not be allowed to sit in the examination.
Dl Persons already in Government Service, whether in a permanent or temporary capacity
or as work charged employees other than casual or daily rated employees or those serving
under the Public Enterprises are however required to submit an undertaking that they have
informed in writing to their Head of Office/Department that they have applied for the
Examination at the time of lnterview. Candidates should note that in case a communication is
received from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to the candidates
applying for appearing at the examination, their applications will be liable to be reiected.
Accordingly, the candidatures will be liable to be cancelled.
E) Persons with Benchmark Disabilities :-
[i) The Persons with Benchmark Disabi]ities in the categories of blindness, locomotor
disability (both arm affected - BAJ and cerebral palsy will be provided the facility of scribe, if
desired by the person. In case of other category of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities as
defined under section Z[r) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, the facility of
scribe will be provided to such candidates to the effect that the person concerned has
physical limitation to write and scribe is essential to write examination on behalf of the
candidate. A certificate should be submitted to this effect from the Chief Medicat Officer/
Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care institution as per
proforma at Appendix - II. The candidates have discretion of opting for his/her own scribe
or request the Commission for the same. Suitable provisions in online Application have been
made in this regard. In case candidates are bringing their own scribe, they will have to
submit an undertaking (Format provided in Appendix IIIJ to the Commission by mailing at
the Commission's e-mail ID ( or by hand/Post within 5 days from the
date of issue of e-Admission Certificate for the C.C. fPrelim) Examination.
(ii) The Commission's scribe as well as candidate's own scribe should be less than the
minimum qualification criteria of the Examination. However, the qualification of the scribe
should always be matriculate or above.
F) EWS candidates may refer to the Govt. OM No.ABP.07/20L9 /18, dated Dispur, the 30th
July 2022 regarding format of EWS certificate. However, a sample format is provided in the
Appendix IV.
NOTE: The applicants are advised to submit only a single application. However, if due to any
unavoidable situation he/she submits multiple applications, then the last application will be
considered for candidature. Therefore, the candidates are requested to ensure that the entries
in the last application are correct in all respect, The fee paid against one Application Number
shall not be adiusted against any other Application Number.
Under the Digital tndia initiative by Ministry of Electronrcs and Information Technology
[MeitY], Government of India, APSC has decided to launch its Online Recruitment portal with
the help of CSC-SPV, a MeitY approved organization, which will charge a processing fee of Rs.
40 / - + 780/0 tax = 47 .20 / - from each candidate.
1, As per the provision ofthe Assam Public Services CCE (Amendment) Rules,
2019 Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance.
Therefore, the women candidates are encouraged to apply and shall be
exempted from application fees.
2, Fee once paid by the candidate will not be refunded.
3. Fees for the Main Examination will be notified in due course of time.
4. Application shall be summarily reiected if the prescribed fee is not
deposited. (Please refer instructions for submission of online Application
Form at Appendix-l)
(a) Nationality: The candidate must be an Indian citizen.
(bJ Age: The candidate should not be less than 2l years and more than 38 years of age on
Relaxation: The upper age limit is relaxable
[iJ By 5 years for SC/STP/STH candidates i.e. upto 43 years.
[ii) By 3 years for 0BC/MOBC candidates i,e. upto 41 years as per Govt. Notification No.
ABP,6/2016/9 dated Dispur the 25d,April, 2018.
(iiil For persons with Benchmark Disabilities [PwBD) by 10 years irrespective of SC/ST/OBC
and General Category ofcandidates as per Govt. Notification No. ABP L44/95/127 dated
Dispur the 28th October, 201,5.
The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the
Matriculation /HSLC Admit Card/Certificate issued by a recognized Board/Council,
and no other document shall be accepted in lieu thereof for the purpose.
(cJ The candidate must hold a Degree from any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of
Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of
Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 ofthe University Grants
Commission Act, 1956 or possess such qualification as may be declared equivalent by the
[dJ A candidate should be ab]e to speak Assamese or other official language or associate official
languages of the State or any of the tribal languages of the State.
[e) A candidate should be registered in a District Employment 0ffice of Assam.
(! A candidate must be an original inhabitant of Assam.
(g) Candidates must possess the above prescribed qualification on the date of submission of
their applications.
(hJ Persons with Benchmark Disabilities should ascertain the post for which a particular
category of disability is entitled for reservation as per the advertisement and should
apply/opt for the preference accordingly at the time of submission of forms for Main
[i] As per Govt. notification no.ABP.69 /2079 /1,7, d,ated, 06/11/20L9 candidates have to submit
a declaration regarding "The Small Family Norms" in Form-A at the time of applying for the
C.C. (Prelim) Examination.
The Combined Competitive Examination consists of two successive stages:-
(i) The Preliminary Examination (Objective TypeJ
(iD The Main Examination fWritten & InterviewJ
a) The Preliminary Examination will consist of two papers of objective type multiple choice
questions of two hours duration each.
** This paper is of qualifying nature.
b) The questions will be of objective type with multiple choices,
c) This Examination is meant to serve as a screening test only.
d) The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the Candidates who are declared
qualified for admission to the Main Examination will not be counted for determining the
final order of merit.
e) There will be negative marking for incorrect answers as detailed below:
(i] There are four alternatives for the answers to every question. One-fourth ofthe total mark
assigned to one question will be deducted for wrong answer marked by a candidate.
(ii) If a candidate marks more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if
one of the given answers happens to be correct.
fl The Paper II of the C.C. (Preliml Examination is a qualifliing paper with minimum
qualifying marks fixed at 330/0.
gJ The candidates may refer to the Assam Public Service Combined Competitive Examination
(AmendmentJ Rules, 2019 for syllabi of General Studies I & General Studies II.
The Main Examination consists of (AJ Written Examination and [BJ Interview Test.
(A) Written Examination:
aJ On the basis of result of the Preliminary Examination, the number of candidates to be
admitted to the written part of the Main Examination will be 1-L to 1-Z times the number
of vacancies notified for each category. The selection will be strictly on the basis of
merit adhering to the norms of Vertical and Horizontal Reservation as per prescribed
law in force.
bJ The written examination shall consist of six papers of conventional essay type/objective
type with limited words. Marks obtained in Interview for personality Test shall be
counted for ranking. The written examination will consist of the following papers:
o Details of papers for Main Examination:
cJ A candidate shall be allowed to write his/her answer papers in English or Assamese
0bjective type multiple
choice question paper
General Stu d ies II
Paper-l General studies I Marks=200 Time=2hrs
Paper-ll ** Marl<s=200 Do Do
Total marks 400
(B)Interview Test:
0n the basis of result of the written part of the Main Examination, candidates will be
called for interview in the ratio of 1:3 against the number ofvacancies advertised.
The candidates will be interviewed by a board that will have before them a record of
his/her career. He/She will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The objective of
the interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate for a career in public service
by a board of competent and unbiased observers. The test is intended to iudge the mental caliber
of a candidate. In broad terms this is really an assessment of not only his intellectual qualities
but also social traits and his interest in current affairs. Some of the qualities to be judged are
mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, clear and Iogical exposition, balance of
.judgment, variety and depth of interest, ability for social cohesion and leadership, intellectual
and moral integrity.
The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross-examination but of a natural,
though directed and purposive conversation which is intended to reveal the mental qualities of
the candidate.
The interview test is not intended to be a test either of the specialized or general
knowledge of the candidates which has been already tested through their written papers.
Candidates are expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in their special subjects of
academic study but also in the events which are happening around them both within and outside
their own State or Country as well as in modern currents of thought and in new discoveries
which should rouse the curiosity of well educated youth.
The interview, however, will not have any qualifying marks. The marks scored at the
interview will be added to the marks scored in the Written Examination (MainJ.
The Commission shall recommend exactly the same number of candidates for different
posts as notified. The Commission shall not recommend a candidate for a post which he/she has
not opted for.
Marks thus obtained by the candidates in the Main Examination (Written Part as well as
InterviewJ would determine their final ranking. Candidates shall be allotted to the various
services keeping in view oftheir ranks in the examination and frespective] preference expressed
by them for different posts (i.e. on the basis of Merit cum Preference opted by the candidates in
their applications for the Main Examination] and reservations therein.
[a] e-Admission Certificate indicating the eligible candidate's Roll no., venue and programme of
the Examination will be uploaded in the Commission's website.
[b) The mere fact that a certificate of admission has been issued will not imply that his/her
candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission. Candidates may note that the
Commission takes up the verification of eligibility conditions only after the candidates have
qualified for the Main Examination.
(cl Candidates must produce a photo identity proof of any of the following in the examination
[i] Pan Card.
(ii) Driving Licence.
[iiiJ Voters ID card.
[ivJ Passport.
[v) ID Card issued by the educational Institution where he/she is studying presently.
(vil ID card issued by Government or public sector undertaking.
fvii) Bank Passbook containing photograph.
[d) The Commission reserves the right to cancel the candidature of any candidate as and when
any ineligibility condition is detected. lfany information declared by the candidate is found to be
false at any stage, the candidate will be penalized as per prevailing law/rules.
(eJ The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission
to the examination shall be final.
Assam Public Service Commission
Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwahati-22
Memo No.26PSC/E-2/2022-23 (A) Dated Guwahati,thezZ'd December, 2022
Copy forwarded to-
1-. All the Hon'ble Members, APSC for information.
2. Atl Deputy Commissioners for information.
3. The Director, Printing and Stationeries Deptt., Assam Govt. Press, Bamunimaidam,
Guwahati-21 for immediate publication in the next two issues of Assam Gazette. Two (2J
printed copies ofthe advertisement may kindly be sent to this office for record.
4. The Director of Information and Public Relation, Assam, Last gate, Dispur, Guwahati-6. He
is requested to take steps for publication of the advertisement in one issue of each of the
established daily newspaper - one English (preferably The Assam TribuneJ and one
Assamese published from Guwahati and one established daily newspaper published from
Upper Assam and another established daily newspaper published from Barak Valley for
wide publicity. He is also requested to instruct the Advt. Manager of the newspaper
concerned to send a copy of each newspaper publishing the advertisement to the
undersigned at their own expenses.
5. The Director of Employment and Craftsmen Training, Assam, Rehabari, Guwahati-B to
circulate copy of the advertisement for publicity at District level.
6. The Principal Controller of Examination, APSC for information and necessary action.
7. All Sub- Divisional Officers [Civil) for information.
8. The PS to the Hon'ble Chairman, APSC for kind apprisal of Hon'ble Chairman, APSC.
9. The PS to the Principal Secretary to the Government of Assam, Personnel (A] Deptt.
Dispur, Guwahati-6 for information and necessary action.
10. The PS to the Principal Secretary to the Government of Assam, Home & Political Deptt.
Dispur, Guwahati-6 for information and necessary action.
l-1-. The PS to the Principal Secretary, Karbi- Anglong
District Council, Diphu
12. The PS to the Principal Secretary, N.C.Hills Autonomous
Council, Haflong.
13. The PS to the Principal Secretary, BTAD, Kokrajhar
14. The PS to the Principal Secretary, Mishing Autonomous
Council, Gogamukh, Dhema ji.
15. Programmer, APSC for uploading in the website.
L6. Order File.
Assam Public Service Commission
Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwahati-22
for giving publicity in their respective
Necessarv instructions regardinq submission of Online Apnlications
1) Applicants are required to apply online through APSC's recruitment portal https://apscrecru itment. in.
No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
2) Applicants have to register themselves in the APSC's recruitment portal
with a valid email-lD and Mobile No. and complete the profile creation process by submitting all
relevant details along with suppofting documents. After profile creation is complete, apply for CCE by
clicking on Applicant Section => Apply Section link in the Dashboard.
3) Already registered aspirants may directly login into the system and apply for CCE by clicking on
Applicant Section :> Apply Section link in the Dashboard.
4) Applicants are advised to read all the eligibility criteria and other relevant details carefully before
submitting online Application Form. Mandatory fields in the online form are marked with * (asterisk)
5) Candidates must submit the details of documents like Certificate No., Issue date, Issuing authority etc.
and upload documents/certificates (whenever asked for) in support of the claims made by them like,
Date of Birlh, Experience, Qualification(s) etc. or any other information, in pdf file in such a way that
the file size does not exceed 2 MB and is legible when printout is taken. Blurred documents will not
be accepted. Documents uploaded will be verified in later stages.
6) Applicant should carefully fill all the information as asked for in the Application Form and click on
the declaration checkbox to enable the 'Preview' button before final submission.
7) After previewing the details as filled in by the applicant, he/she can either click 'Submit' for final
submission or click 'Cancel' button for necessary corrections before final submission.
8) On completion of form submission, applicant has to pay application fee along with processing fee as
9) Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstance nor can the fees be held in reserve for
any other examination or selection.
l0) On successful submission of Application Form along with successful payment, an auto-generated email
and SMS will be sent to candidates registered e-mail id and Phone No.
I l) In case the payment status is pending, applicant should click on the button 'Validate Payment' after
15-30 minutes to verify the payment status.
l2) Application without prescribed fee amount will not be accepted.
l3)The applicants are advised to submit only a single application. However, if due to any
unavoidable situation he/she submits multiple applications, then the last application will be
considered for candidature. Therefore, the candidates are requested to ensure that the entries in
the last application ore correct in all respect. The fee paid against one Application Number shall
not be adjusted against any other Application Number.
l4) For any payment related issues, one can reach the following helpdesk numbers -
a. GRAS Helpline (Telephonic): I 800-21 2- I I -88-66 (From 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on all working
b. GRAS Helpdesk-
Click 'Submit a ticket' Click 'Payment Related'
Fill-in your payment related details. Click 'Submit ticket'
c. Bank - For any bank related issue we suggest applicants to contact their respective bank branches.
l5) For any other issues related to online application contact the following
a) Email :
b) Contact No: 0361-2363117 or 1800-572-23-43 (From 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on all working days)
Ccrtificate regardinq physical limitation in an examinee to write
This is to certify that, I have examined Mr./Ms./Mrs.... .. (name of the
candidate with benchmark disabilityl, a person with ............... (nature and
percentage of disability as mentioned in the certificate of disability),
a resident of
(Village/Town/Citr,................................(Distric0,..................(StateJ, Pin Code.................. and
to state that he/she has physical Iimitation which hampers his/her writing capabilities owing
to his/her disability.
Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon /
Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care lnstitution.
Note: Certificate should be given by a specialist ofthe relevant stream/disability (eg.
Visual Impairment - 0phthalmologist, Locomotor disability - Orthopaedic
Letter of Undertaking for Using Own Scribe
(To be filled by the candidates with benchmark disabilities)
1..........................., a candidate with.................................... (nam e of the disability)
appearing for the ............. (Name of the examination) bearing Roll No....................
at.................................................. (na me of the centre) in the District
I do hereby state that .................... .... (Name of the scribe) will provide the
service of scribe for the undersigned for taking the aforesaid examination.
I do hereby undertake that his qualification is................ ln case, subsequently it is
found that his/her qualification is not as declared by the undersigned and is beyond or same as the
minimum qualification required for this examination, I shall forfeit my rlBht to the post and claims
th ereto.
(Signature or thumb impression
of the candidate with Disabilityl
Government of Assam
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the Certificate)
Educational lnstitutes and posts under Govt. of Assam)
Certificate No. ................................. Da te.
This is to certify that Shri/ Smt./ Kumari .................. .............son/
daughter/ wife of permanent resident of
Village/ S1reet...................... Post Office
District ................ .in the State of Assam, Pin Code
..,, whose photograph is attested below belongs to Economically Weaker Sections, since the
gross annual income* of his/ her 'family'** is below Rs. 8 lakh (Rupees Eight Lokh onlyl lor the financial year
2021"-2022. His/ herfamily does not own or posses any ofthe following assets***.
l. 30 Bigha (4,32,000 Sq. ft.) of agricultural Land and above in rural area.
ll. 2 Bigha (28,800 Sq. ft.) of residential land and above in rural area.
lll. 8640 Sq.ft. of land in notified Municipal Corporation/ Municipal Board/ Town Committee
lV. House of built up area 2000 Sq. ft. and above in notified Municipal Corporation
/Municipal Board/ Town Committee area.
Shri/ Smt./ Kumari ............................... belongs to the ..................................................cas1e
which is not recognized as a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes (in the state of
Recent Passportsize
photograph of the
Signature with seal of Offlce.
*Note 1: lncome covered all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc.
**Note 2: The term 'Family'for this purpose includes the person, who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and
siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/ her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.
***Note 3: The property held by'Family' in different locations or different places / cities have been clubbed while applying
the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.
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